Tuesday, July 30, 2013

And Death: World Spinning

Money makes the world go round, completely false and besides, most of these people don’t even understand money, let alone gravity. These students, kids, shamelessly showing their faces in my first period Physics class. They play ball games at lunch, unknowingly applying the requisite force at the requisite time to gain another point in another round. They are quite dull, and I suspect are lacking in intellect. They don’t understand or comprehend, and think they want money so that they might make the world spin. They don’t even talk to me and ask questions. No one ever talks to me.
This is a 100 word short story I have written for the book I am working on The Future of Life and Death

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Future: Science Fiction

It was written, in the time of ink and paper, there might exist an impossible future.
Awakening to a South African morning, a young man excitedly prepares to speak with a woman struggling through the depths of a Canadian night. With each word, something new was learned. With expressions evolving on their faces, regard formed and just was.
The pair shared long conversations.
They argued on the feeling of warm and cold days. They laughed, sometimes.
Each had thoughts that requested to be hidden. They were aware of the impossible given the distance.
At least, they lived the impossible future.
This is a 100 word short story I have written for the book I am working on The Future of Life and Death

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Of Life: Sweat

Sweat was never like this. It was a maligned representative of Dean’s sedentary life, birthed by his teenage habits. Sweat was dirty. Sweat was uncomfortable. Sweat had never been this.
Sweat would never highlight special moments such as it did now.
Dean looked over the figure lying naked, with and like him. Sweat was sliding, mingling and shifting between he and his partner, his partner and he. Sweat was not uncomfortable now. It was not the product of an unclean exertion. Sweat was the emblem of something worth that effort. Total acceptance partnered with an exposure of a naked self.
This is a 100 word short story I have written for the book I am working on The Future of Life and Death

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Future of Life and Death

The Future of Life is a book of short stories I have been working on since December of last year. The idea of this book came about when I began writing a series of short stories with the single constraint of a hundred words. This limitation that I placed on my writing has allowed me to experiment with different styles, voices and approaches very easily. I began to build up a collection of these stories and it was my desire to structure them within some larger narrative form that led to The Future of Life and Death.

The Future of Life and Death will be a book of one hundred stories of one hundred words each and will communicate through its three sections my thoughts on:

  1. The Future
  2. Of Life
  3. And Death
Each of the one hundred stories is a new experiment with this story format and will be arranged into these sections so that they might provide comment and context to the other stories surrounding it.

I had planned to conclude the book by the end of 2013 but a recent burst of productivity on my part may see me finish it sooner. I hope to share a number of stories which I am considering for the book here in the weeks and months to come.